ExcelChat / Excel 表格分析

ExcelChat / Excel 表格分析


ExcelChat: Ask DaVinci to perform analysis based on the uploaded Excel file

Did you spend a lot of time analyzing various statistical data? Now DaVinci can help you do it quickly!

DaVinci not only supports the analysis of csv and xlsx files, but also saves you the tedious steps and directly outputs the statistics chart you specify after completion.


Supported File Types for Upload

*.csv, *.xlsx  (Note: *.xls is not supported)

File Restrictions

  • The format needs to be structured.

  • The table header must be provided.

  • Suggested format:

    • The first row should be the header.

    • The second row and onwards should contain the data.

    • Do not use merged cells.

    • Do not use commas or special characters in field names or content.

  • Example file: 

  • Self-check method:

    • You can convert the file to CSV to ensure the format is correct.

Chat Restrictions

  • Excel files cannot be selected and used simultaneously with other files.

  • Excel files only support being selected one at a time. For example, if two Excel files are selected at the same time, the conversation will still only apply to one of the files.

  • Excel files can support having multiple sheets within a single file, and support specifying the sheet by name in the conversation.

Support for Generating Suggestions



  • Step1: Click on "+ Chat" to start a new conversation

  • Step2: Click on 'File' in the top right corner and click '+ File' to upload a csv or xlsx file, then check the file
                (Only one file can be selected)

  • Step3: Select the appropriate Model and Conversation Style based on your needs


  • Step4: After waiting for the analysis to complete, you can then prompt based on this Excel file and create result charts.

  • If the length of the answer data is too long for the UI to display completely, the results will be compiled into a csv file and downloaded.

Example of use

Taking fps statistics as an example, using simple prompts in DaVinci can quickly produce very concrete statistical chart!

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*For more information about DaVinci Share / 分享對話


ExcelChat:請 DaVinci 基於上傳 Excel 檔進行分析

過去常常需要花大量時間分析各式統計資料? 現在,DaVinci 可以速迅幫你完成!

達哥不僅支援分析 csv、xlsx 檔,完成後還可以省去繁瑣的步驟、直接輸出您指定的成果圖。



*.csv, *.xlsx  (特別註明: *.xls 不支援)


  • 格式需要是結構化的

  • 表格欄位名稱一定要提供

  • 建議格式:

    • 第一行就是表格欄位名稱

    • 第二行之後是資料

    • 不要有合併儲存格

    • 欄位名稱或者內容皆不要使用逗號或特殊符號

  • 範例檔參考:

  • 自我檢查方式:

    • 可以把檔案轉成 CSV,確認格式是否跑版


  • Excel 檔案無法跟其他檔案同時勾選進行使用

  • Excel 檔案只支援勾選一個,舉例來說,若是同時勾選兩個 Excel 檔案,此時對話仍只作用於其中一個檔案

  • Excel 檔案可支援一個檔案中有多張 Sheet, 並支援在對話中以 Sheet name 進行指定

支援產生 Suggestion 



  • Step1: 點擊左上角的 + Chat 開啟新的對話

  • Step2: 在右上角選 File 並點擊 + File 上傳 csv 或 xlsx 檔,並勾選檔案

  • Step3: 根據需求選擇適合的 Model 和 Conversation Style

  • Step4: 等待分析完成後,即可針對這份 Excel 檔案下 Prompt 並繪製成果圖

  • 如果回答的資料長度 UI 顯示不完,就會將結果匯成 csv 檔並下載


以 fps 統計資料為例,在 DaVinci 中使用簡單一行 Prompt 即可迅速得到非常具像化的統計成果!

*更多達哥檔相關資訊請參考:DaVinci Share / 分享對話

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