MediaTek DaVinci Store / 商店
English / 中文
Would you like DaVinci to enhance certain features? Do you want to communicate with DaVinci more efficiently? Do you want to share information in DaVinci with colleagues? The DaVinci Store was created for this purpose.
The DaVinci Store is divided into the following parts:
Users can download plugins developed by other developers to enhance DaVinci's capabilities in a specific function.Prompts
Reusable and efficient prompt templates for better communication with DaVinci.Files
A platform for sharing DVCx files, saving time on data upload and processing.Assistants
You can download assistants provided by other developers to enhance productivity and help you accomplish a variety of tasks.
After entering the DaVinci Store, you can use "Search" to find the content you are interested in and customize your own DaVinci!
Open a new chat to see the DaVinci Store on the screen.
Step1: After clicking on Plugins, you can see the plugins developed by other developers
Step2:Click on the Plugins to enter the detailed page, confirm that it is the content you need, and then click on "Install" to download
Step1: After clicking on Prompts, you can see the prompts provided by other developers
Step2: Click on the Prompt you interested to view detailed information, and click "Install" to download
Step3: You can find the downloaded Prompt in the Prompt section on the right and click on the Prompt name to edit. You can also click on + Prompt to edit your own Prompt
Step1: After clicking on Files, you can see the Files shared by other developers
Step2: Click on the Files you like to view relevant information, and click "Install" to download
Step3: You can find the downloaded File in the File section on the right
Step1: After clicking on Assistants, you can see the Assistants shared by other developers
Step2: Click on the Assistant you interested to view relevant information, and click "Install" to download
Step3:You can find the downloaded Assistants in the Assistant section
If you want to remove the Assistant you uploaded from the DaVinci Store, you can click "Remove"
You can share the Plugins, Prompts, Files, and Assistants seen in the store with others by clicking the share button on the content page.
The Assistant also has a copy link button, allowing others to install it by accessing this page through the URL.
All information on the DaVinci Store is public and download permissions cannot be set.
想要達哥在特定功能上增強? 希望能更有效率跟達哥溝通? 想要在 MediaTek DaVinci 上共享資訊給公司同仁? MediaTek DaVinci Store 為此而產生。
MediaTek DaVinci Store 分成以下功能:
可以下載其他開發者開發的 Plugin,擴增 DaVinci 在某個功能上的能力Prompts
可以重複使用高效率的提示範本,更好地和 DaVinci 溝通Files
資訊雲端共享平台,可以下載其他人分享的 Files,節省資料上傳處理的時間Assistants
可以下載其他開發者提供的 Assistant,提升生產力並幫助你完成各式各樣的任務
你可以在進入 MediaTek DaVinci Store 後,透過 "搜尋" 找到感興趣的內容,客製化地打造專屬於你的 MediaTek DaVinci!
開啟一個 New Chat 即可在畫面上看到 MediaTek DaVinci Store
Step1:點擊 Plugin 後,你可以看到其他開發者開發的 Plugin
Step2:點擊感興趣的 Plugin 進入詳細頁面,確認是自己需要的內容後,點擊 Install 下載
Step1:點擊 Prompts 後,你可以看到其他開發者提供的 Prompt
Step2:點擊想下載的 Prompt 即可看到詳細說明,並點擊 Install 下載
Step3:你可以在右方 Prompt 區塊,找到下載的 Prompt 並點擊 Prompt 名稱做編輯。你也可以點擊
+ Prompt 編輯自己的 Prompt
Step1:點擊 Files 後,你可以看到其他開發者分享的 Files
Step2:點擊想下載的 Files 即可看到相關說明,並點擊 Install 下載
Step3:你可以在右方 File 區塊,找到下載的 File
Step1: 點擊 Assistants 後,你可以看到其他開發者分享的 Assistant
Step2: 點擊想下載的 Assistant 即可看到相關說明,並點擊 “Install“ 下載
Step3:你可以在 Assistant 區塊,找到下載的 Assistants
如果想將自己上傳的 Assistant 從商店中下架,可以點擊 "Remove"
可以在內容頁面,點擊鍵頭符號與他人分享在商店看到的 Plugin, Prompt, Files, Assistant
Assistant 也有複製功能,讓其他人可以透過網址進到此畫面進行安裝!
DaVinci Store 上均為公開資訊,無法設定下載權限