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  • Step1:Click on "+ Chat" to start a new conversation

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  • Step2: Select the appropriate Model and Conversation Style according to your needs, and choose Plugins based on your requirements


  • Step3: Input your prompt, and DaVinci will analyze user intent and select the appropriate Plugin to complete the task.

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If you're unsure which plugin to choose, you can choose DaVinci 達哥 in Assistant.


  • Step1:點擊左上角的 + Chat 開啟新的對話

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  • Step3:輸入你的 Prompt,達哥會分析使用者意圖並選擇合適的 Plugin 來完成任務

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如果不知道如何選擇 Plugin(插件) 可以選擇 Assistant 的 DaVinci 達哥,達哥將智能地分析你的提問並自動上網找資料、自動使用畫圖插件、自動繪製流程圖、主動…
