The DaVinci interface is mainly divided into five sections:
錨點 | ||||
Banner promotes new activities and new features
DaVinci Store allows you to download the required Assistants, Plugins, Files, and Prompts
Recommend Assistants suggests popular Assistants for you
Click Assistant to view Assistant
Click Install to download Assistant
Click + Chat to see the Main Chat Area
DaVinci Store / 商店 allows you to download the required Plugins, Prompts, DVCx library and Assistants.
Chat settings allow you to set up the Model and Conversation Style, as well as select the required Plugins to use.
The input box allows you to enter your Prompt and click the button on the right to submit it.
Please refer to Direct Chat / 直接對話After conversing with DaVinci, you can quickly check the current dialogue's selected Assistant, Model, Chat settings, the document currently in use, and DaVinci Store via the status bar above the conversation.
Click on "+ File" to upload a file; please refer to DocChat / 文檔分析
Click on "+ URL" to enter a URL; please refer to WebChat / 網頁分析
Click the Folder button to create folders for managing and categorizing your files
You can quickly find related files through Search
When you hover your mouse over a File, you can:
Edit the file name
Delete the file
Export the file
Publish the file
Share the file
包含 Banner 和 DaVinci Store / 商店 和 Recommend Assistants 三個部分
Banner 宣導新活動與新功能
DaVinci Store / 商店 可以下載所需要的 Assistants、Plugins、Files、Prompts
Recommend Assistants 推薦給您熱門的 Assistants
點擊 Assistant 可以查看 Assistant
點擊 Install 即可下載 Assistant
點擊 + Chat 可以看到 Main Chat Area
DaVinci Store / 商店 可以下載所需要的 Assistants、Plugins、Files、Prompts
Chat settings 可以設定Model 和 Conversation Style,以及選擇所需要使用的 Plugins
輸入框可以輸入你的 Prompt,並點擊右方按鈕送出
請參考 Direct Chat / 直接對話與達哥對話後,你可以在對話上方的狀態列,快速檢視目前對話所選擇的 Assistant、Model、Chat settings、 目前對話所選用的文件
6. File (DVCx) Management
錨點 | ||||
點擊 + File 上傳檔案,請參考 DocChat / 文檔分析
點擊 + URL 輸入網址,請參考 WebChat / 網頁分析
點擊 Folder 按鈕,建立資料夾管理、分類你的檔案
可以透過 Search 快速找到相關檔案
滑鼠 Hover 到 File 上,可以