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  • 此行已移除。
  • 格式已變更。


  1. Upload Plugin

  2. Use Plugin

  3. Upload Plugin to Store

1. Upload Plugin





  • Step 1: Go to the DaVinci screen, click on "Plugin" on the right, then select "+Plugin".

    image-20241121-020407 (1)-20241210-031641.png
  • Step 2: Enter the URL or upload Plugin.json.

    image-20241121-020601 (1)-20241210-031644.png
  • Step 3: The plugin has been successfully uploaded to the store. Click on "Plugin" on the right, and you will see the newly added plugin.

    image-20241121-041851 (1)-20241210-031646.png

    Click "+Chat", and you will see the newly added plugin in the Plugin dropdown field.

    image-20241121-042535 (1)-20241210-031650.png
