面板 | ||||||||
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After uploading the URL, remember to select the URL you want to use by checking either a single or multiple URLs. |
Supported File Types for Upload | Web URL |
Supported File Types for OCR | Text in the image from the web URL. |
File Restrictions |
Confidential Doc/Data Upload | Please refer to the PIM-related explanations in the FAQ section. |
Support for Generating Suggestions | Yes |
\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions
面板 | ||||||||
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上傳 URL 後,請記得將要使用的 URL 做勾選,可以勾選單一或多 URL |
支援上傳的檔案類型 | Web URL |
支援 OCR 的檔案類型 | Web URL 中的圖片文字 |
檔案限 |
機密資訊/檔案上傳說明 | 請參閱 FAQ 中 PIM 相關說明 |
支援產生 Suggestion | Yes |
\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions