Currently supported tasks are "Avatar Delegation Tasks," which allow the assistant to discuss specific topics with multiple DaVinci users on your behalf.
Delegation Task Management
Avatar Delegation tasks can be arranged for scenarios like "Help me ask @A and @B if they want to order afternoon tea later," or "Help me explain the key points of this meeting summary to @Group" (you can provide the assistant with the meeting summary document).
Step3: 發送任務有兩種方式
Step3-1: 點選 "Task Assignment" 按鈕, 等待 TMA 啟動後,於 Prompt 輸入您的任務內容,一樣使用 @ 來指定對象;TMA 會顯示的罐頭訊息的語言會參考使用者於瀏覽器設定的「偏好語言」所顯示的罐頭訊息的語言,會參考使用者於瀏覽器設定的「偏好語言」
Step3-2: 直接在 Prompt 對話匡中使用 "@" 來標記人員,來觸發任務