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錨點 | ||||
Task management allows you to assign background tasks to all assistants on the DaVinci platform, enabling the assistant to perform specified tasks in the background on your behalf.
Currently supported tasks are "Avatar Tasks," which allow the assistant to discuss specific topics with multiple DaVinci users on your behalf.
Avatar Task Management
Avatar tasks can be arranged for scenarios like "Help me ask @A and @B if they want to order afternoon tea later," or "Help me explain the key points of this meeting summary to @Group" (you can provide the assistant with the meeting summary document).
You just need to select a specific assistant on the DaVinci platform and enter "Please help me execute the task and @colleagues" or press the "Task Assignment" button. The assistant will then ask you for task details, and after confirming the task, the assistant will execute it for you.
@ Maximum number of people |
Create Task |
Confirm Task |
Execute Task |
TMA 說明分為 3 個部分:
1. Create Task
Step1: If the Assistant you want to use does not exist, please refer to 06. My Assistant / 智能助理 to create an Assistant.
Step2: Click on the Assistant you want to use.
Step5: After pressing the "Confirm Task" button, a task card will be generated to execute the task. To cancel the task, please click the "Cancel Task" button.
2. Review Task
Step1: Click the Task Dashboard in the bottom left corner to check the task status.
Step 3: Click on the task name to return to the task and view details
3.Receive Task
Step1: Click the bell to receive task notifications.
分身型任務可以安排類似 "幫我跟 @A, @B 他們說待會要不要訂下午茶","幫我跟 @Group 的人說明這次會議摘要的重點"(您可以為該助理加裝會議摘要的文件)。
您只要點選特定達哥平台上的助理,並輸入『請幫我執行任務並 @ 同仁』或是按下 "Task Assignment" 的按鈕, 該助理將與您詢問任務細節,確認任務後,該助理將為您執行。
@ 人數上限 |
建立任務 |
任務確認 |
任務執行 |
任務結束 | 任務結束後,因無法在同一 Chat 內建立多個任務,須 New Chat 建立新任務 |
TMA 說明分為 3 個部分:
1. 建立任務
Step1: 如果您欲使用的 Assistant 尚不存在,請先參考 06. My Assistant / 智能助理 建立 Assistant
Step2: 點擊欲使用的 Assistant
Step5: "Confirm Task" 按鈕按下後,將產生任務卡,進行任務執行。若要取消任務請點擊 "Cancel Task" 按鈕。
2. 查看任務
Step1: 點選左下角的 Task Dashboard 確認任務狀態
Step2: 檢視目前發出的所有 Task 列表,任務的燈號說明如下:
綠燈: 任務正常執行中
黃燈: 該助理需要您的回覆
紅燈: 任務錯誤而結束
藍燈: 任務成功完成
Step3: 點擊任務名稱可跳回至任務中查看詳情
Step1: 點擊小鈴鐺接收任務訊息
Step2: 點擊 Accept