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Welcome to DaVinci's brand new settings page! We have meticulously crafted a series of thoughtful features to make your AI assistant experience more personalized, convenient, and rich.

In the Generalpage, you can easily adjust the following important features:

  • Personal Avatar: Upload your exclusive personal avatar to add a personal touch to your conversations.

  • Chat Language: The system will automatically use the language of your region, so you don't need to prompt DaVinci to use a language you're familiar with. For example, if your browser interface is set to Traditional Chinese, DaVinci will automatically respond in Traditional Chinese without any additional actions.

In the Personalization page, you can deeply customize DaVinci's conversation experience:


The Personalization instructions are divided into three sections:

  1. General

  2. Personalization 

  3. Assistant API Key  


a. Account

  • Step1 : Click on the General Tab in Settings Step

  • Step2 : Click the upload button to upload your avatar


  1. 個人頭像:上傳專屬於您的個人頭像,讓對話更添個人特色。

  2. 對答語言:系統會帶入您的所在區域語言,讓您不需再透過 prompt 請達哥指定您熟悉的語言來對答。舉例來說,假如您的瀏覽器介面設定是繁體中文,不需要任何額外動作,達哥預設就會以繁體中文來與您對答。


  1. 偏好設定(Preference):設定全局對話偏好,如回答長度、稱呼方式等。例如:「我喜歡簡短的答覆」、「我的綽號是達哥」。

  2. 助理偏好(Assistant Preference):為特定助理設置專屬的互動模式。例如:告訴 Translation Pro 您偏好的翻譯風格,這些設定僅在與該助理對話時生效。


Personalization 說明分為三個部分:

  1. General

  2. Personalization 

  3. Assistant API Key  


a. Account

  • Step1 : 點擊 Settings 中的 General Tab

  • Step2 : 點擊上傳按鈕,上傳頭像
